Monday, 6 October 2014

Passport ID

The Passport

I created my own passport using an expired one and replacing the pages with plain pages. I then painted the front using black and white (my favourite non-colours). I then cut out triangular shapes so the bright orange on the front page would be seen from the outside. I also wanted to show the idea of organisation in mess, the messiness of the paint contrasts with the neatly cut triangles, but which are also placed randomly across the page. I thought this front cover expressed myself because I like contrasting fluorescent colours with black and white because it creates a very dramatic and bold effect. Below are some of the pages in the passport I created to express myself and show my identity.

This image shows my name and D.O.B. and I have painted a small composition to show my favourite colours and how I like to paint in a linear way to create a balanced composition using counterbalancing lines. I also like it because it is messy but in an organised way. I did this by holding up a ruler and roughly painting next to it to create a perfectly straight line.

This picture conveys some words to describe myself. I wanted to express my creativity but still use the theme of dark colours and messy writing. I also wanted to show there is organisation within mess, therefore I have placed the words around the page so they are balanced.This picture shows some of my likes, such as festivals, skiing, the 90s and cities. The 'cities' page also conveys my love of photography and travelling as I have taken these pictures myself (the cities page continues onto the next page and includes NYC). I enjoyed this task as I was able to express myself in a creative way by combining photography and painting.

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