Monday, 27 October 2014

My Manifesto

Our task of the week was to create a manifesto that reflects ourselves. I felt that I am quite messy so I wanted to use this idea to create a manifesto that reflects my messy and creative personality. I began by experimenting with different text fonts, sizes and colours to convey a feeling of the word it is showing, for example, I have used a handwriting font for the word messy to convey a messy appearance. I have done the same with the word 'spontaneous' as I changed the font, colour and direction to make it appear spontaneous. 

Once I had come up with an idea, I wanted to neaten it up but lining up the words so they would fit perfectly in a square, I then made it all black and white because these are my favourite colours but I wanted the word 'Messy' to still be in a different font so that attention would immediately be drawn to this section of the manifesto, reflecting its main subject of messiness and my personality. I preferred the appearance of this manifesto, as it would more aesthetically pleasing and easier to read without getting mixed up on each line. I mostly used the font Helvetica as it is a very neutral font and is also very bold. I have enlarged the word 'Happy' to add importance to this element of the manifesto. 

I then wanted to look at different backgrounds, so I used a previous acrylic painting I had done in my sketchbook as I thought it could be quite interesting to put black and white text over the top, and it also reflected the 'messy' subject. I then placed the lettering over it, changing the fonts, like my first idea and making the word 'happy' appear more exciting. I still thought it appeared a little unorganised and difficult to read so I decided to simplify the text and manifesto itself. 

Here is my finished manifesto. I decided to add colour to reflect the new main subject of 'life', I thought it made it appear more happy but also kept with the idea of messiness. I painted a large piece of card black, and then waited for it to dry, I then added primary colours to represent the excitement of life. I then added typography and cut out the text and stuck it on to, colouring the words 'LIFE' and 'LIVE'  to enhance the idea of 'Life'. I think my finished manifesto is successful as it is simple but has a bold message. I enjoyed the process as I came up with many more ideas than I thought I would and I had to reject many in the process. I also enjoyed using colour and text in a painting, which I am not used to using.

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